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  1. Cosmotec for Vacuum Components
  2. Feedthrough
  3. Multi-pin
  4. Peripheral connection parts
  5. MS (MIL-C-5015)
  6. Socket Contacts, Atmospheric side, for φ1.0, Crimp style, 10 pcs/set (for double-ended multi pins)
  1. Cosmotec for Vacuum Components
  2. Feedthrough
  3. Multi-pin
  4. Peripheral connection parts
  6. Socket Contacts, Atmospheric side, for φ1.0, Crimp style, 10 pcs/set (for double-ended multi pins)
  1. Cosmotec for Vacuum Components
  2. Feedthrough
  3. Coaxial
  4. Peripheral connection parts
  5. Socket Contacts, Atmospheric side, for φ1.0, Crimp style, 10 pcs/set (for double-ended multi pins)
  1. Cosmotec for Vacuum Components
  2. Feedthrough
  3. High-voltage
  4. Peripheral connection parts
  5. Socket Contacts, Atmospheric side, for φ1.0, Crimp style, 10 pcs/set (for double-ended multi pins)

Socket Contacts, Atmospheric side, for φ1.0, Crimp style, 10 pcs/set (for double-ended multi pins)

接続部品 大気用 ソケットコンタクト φ1.0 用 圧着タイプ 10本入(ダブルエンド多ピン用)

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接続部品 大気用 ソケットコンタクト φ1.0 用 圧着タイプ 10本入(ダブルエンド多ピン用)
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Product code :18874 Model:SAC10M

▼ Socket Contacts/Pin Contacts
For connecting electrodes and cables
A wide range of lineup for various electrode diameters
Starting with "S" : Female contacts
Starting with "P" : Male contacts (crimp type only)
SVC*, PVC*: For both vacuum and atmospheric side
SAC*: For atmospheric side

▼The following types are standardized
Crimp type
Push-on type
Push-on type ・Barrel type

Crimping and assembly of cables are available upon request. Please contact us from the "Inquiry" button on the right side of the page.
Crimping tools etc. are here.

For precision cleaning requests, click here.

Basic Information
Classification Peripheral components
RoHS2 corresponding
9,700 JPY (with tax 10,670JPY)
1-2 Business Days
When out of stock
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Inquiry for this product
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A B C shape type Applicable wire size Electric current / 1 pc. Quantity contact screw Maximum temperature The lowest temperature
Stock & Delivery
- - - socket double-ended / Crimp 1.0 MAX. 7.5 A 10 Copper alloy + gold-plated - 200℃ -65℃
6 1-2 Business Days
When out of stock
Answered later
9,700JPY (with tax 10,670JPY)
接続部品 大気用 ソケットコンタクト φ1.0 用 圧着タイプ 10本入(ダブルエンド多ピン用) admin.label.item.size_image
A B C shape type Applicable wire size Electric current / 1 pc. Quantity contact screw Maximum temperature The lowest temperature
- - - socket double-ended 1.0 MAX. 7.5 A 10 Copper alloy + gold-plated - 200℃ -65℃
9,700JPY (with tax 10,670JPY)

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接続部品 大気用 ソケットコンタクト φ1.0 用 圧着タイプ 10本入(ダブルエンド多ピン用) admin.label.item.catalog_image
圧着工具の取扱い方法は以下の画像をクリックしてください。 圧着工具の取り扱い方法
Q. 適用線径より細いケーブルは使用できますか?
A. 使用可能です。細すぎる場合には芯線を折り返して圧着ください

Q. 専用の圧着工具が必要ですか?
A. 市販のものもご使用可能です。4点圧着のものをお選びください
圧着工具AWG #12 - #28 用(製品コード :10052 型式 :CT2313)
Q. 真空側インサート、大気側プラグは必須ですか?
A. 必須ではございませんが、挿抜や位置決めが簡単になります

Q.こちらから ケーブルを支給してアセンブリ加工をお願いできますか ?
A. 喜んで承ります。「お問い合わせ」ページよりお気軽にお申し付けください
Shipping accepted on the day on orders until 17:00 Hours 9:00 to 18:00 except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
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