About 10,000 types of vacuum components in stock at all times.Business Hours: 9:00-18:00, excluding weekends and holidays
▼Bellows Valve
Used to isolate atmosphere and vacuum.
Bellows seal system enables High performance sealing.
Manual and Pneumatic types are available.
Shape: L type, Y type, Z type
Flow direction can be used as desired.
*Flow rate cannot be adjusted. Only opening and closing can be adjusted.
Ball Valve and Butterfly Valves are also available.
We also have leak ports for vacuum breaking.
If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us by clicking the "Contact Us" button.
Precision Cleaning Request.
Basic Information | |
Main materials | SUS304(L type), SUS304L(Y,Z ty |
Flexible / bellows | AM-350 |
Leakage rate (hood section) | <1.0x10-10Pa・㎥/sec |
Leak rate (sheet leakage) | <1.0x10-10Pa・㎥/sec |
RoHS2 corresponding | ○ |
front.product.product_code Model |
NW/KF | ICF | A | B | C | D | E | L | Conductance [L/S]. | Classification | shape | Bonnet seal | Maximum temperature | Stock & Delivery |
front.product.price front.product.tax_included2 |
50 | - | 70 | - | - | 89 | 60 | 190.5~235.5 | 71.9 | Manual | L type | Viton ® | 150℃ |
NW/KF | ICF | A | B | C | D | E | L | Conductance [L/S]. | Classification | shape | Bonnet seal | Maximum temperature |
50 | - | 70 | - | - | 89 | 60 | 190.5~235.5 | 71.9 | Manual | L type | Viton ® | 150℃ |
開ける際:ハンドルが少し重たくなってきたらそれ以上は回さないでください。 プレートがL型の横のパイプ径の半分まで到達していれば、それ以上回して開けても、コンダクタンスは変わません。
閉める際:ノブを回してノブが止まったらそれ以上は閉めないようにしてください。 内部でOリング付きのプレートが弁座に接触すれば、大気圧と差で十分にシールされます。
表示灯 | 発光ダイオード(ON時点灯) |
最大使用電圧 | AC100V, DC50V |
使用電流範囲 | AC3-20mA, DC3-40mA |
最大接点容量 | AC2.0VA, DC1.5VA |
コード長さ | 1.5m |